Foot Soldiers March Their Way Into New Air Sea Battle Concept
The Army is preparing to officially join the Pentagon's "Air Sea Battle" operational concept, as the Defense Department shifts its focus from land operations in the Middle East and Europe to mostly naval and aerial activities in the Asia-Pacific region.
Rethinking How To Protect Networks From Cyber Attacks
As cyber security experts continue to look for more effective ways to deter threats, many see the battle over defending network perimeters has become a lost cause, and that new and more creative approaches are becoming essential.
Pentagon Spending Shouldn’t Slow Before Cuts, Carter Says
The Pentagon's No. 2 civilian directed military departments and acquisition personnel to proceed with normal operations, including training and contracting, even though action hasn't been taken to avert looming spending cuts.
DoD Spending May Depend on Internal GOP Debate
The future trajectory of military spending may hinge on a battle within the Republican Party as longtime “defense hawks,” who support big Pentagon budgets, are at odds with tea party-inspired conservatives, who denounce taxes and federal spending across the board, GOP officials and political experts say.
Training For The Next Libya, Marine Teams Wary Of Budget Cuts
/.../Marine Corps officials say the intense training done at this site in Chesapeake, Virginia is imperative to ensure the young Marines will be ready to respond to threats against U.S. facilities on a moment's notice. But, they say, looming budget cuts may threaten the pace and realism of the training/.../
Can the Aging U.S. Air Force Modernize?
In an era of fiscal austerity, the investment decisions the U.S. military services make in the coming years must give others pause as they consider military competition or conflict with the United States. For the Air Force, this means preserving a highly credible capability to strike any targets anywhere on the globe while recapitalizing its aging inventory of combat aircraft.