Bastion: Bulwark or Bullseye?
“Prospective adversaries are developing and fielding, or have ready access to, military capabilities that will place U.S. forces operating from large, fixed forward bases, and in the littoral regions, at increasing risk,” the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments warned nearly a decade ago.
Smith: Another sequester hearing?
Democratic Rep. Adam Smith has a message for House Republicans: Stop talking about sequestration and start doing something about it.
Sequester’s Bite Delayed By Money in the Pipeline
On the same July day that Lockheed Martin Corp. chief executive Robert J. Stevens warned the House Armed Services Committee about the dangers of imminent across-the-board cuts in the Pentagon budget, he amplified the point in a letter to his workforce, warning that the company might let 10,000 employees go if the spending sequester takes effect/.../
U.S. Leads Biggest Gulf Mine Exercise in Signal to Iran
The U.S. and 29 other nations have begun the biggest mine-clearing exercise in the Persian Gulf region, a show of force as tensions escalate over a threatened Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Sequestration Might Be Manageable, Experts Say
That is how Pentagon officials, lawmakers and industry executives have described $500 billion in automatic military budget cuts set to kick in Jan. 2 unless Congress comes up with a solution.
Panetta Heads to China as Territorial Disputes Simmer
Defense analyst Andrew Krepinevich, at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington, says China's rapid development of its military arsenal raises concerns about possible Chinese expansionism.