CSBA Awarded MOBIS GSA Contract
The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments announces that it has been added to the U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) Management, Organizational and Business Improvement Services (MOBIS) supplier list as an authorized vendor of Consulting Services, Facilitation Services and Survey Services.
Budget Studies Could Change Mix of Active, Reserve Forces
When the military buys new weapons, it insists on studying in granular detail the potential "total life cycle costs." But when it comes to the biggest expense - personnel - decision-makers have far less visibility/.../
CSBA President Articulates Strategy of Assured Access
In the wake of his reelection, President Obama’s first pledge was to focus on “the economy and jobs and moving the country forward.” CSBA President Dr. Andrew Krepinevich believes that America's economic recovery and long-term growth require secure access to three key regions--the Western Pacific, Persian Gulf, and Europe--and to the global commons--space, cyberspace, and the undersea. However, save for Europe, U.S. access to these regions and domains is being increasingly challenged, writes Krepinevich in Strategy in a Time of Austerity: Why the Pentagon Should Focus on Assuring Access, published in the November/December 2012 issue of Foreign Affairs.
Strategy in a Time of Austerity: Why the Pentagon Should Focus on Assuring Access
America's economic recovery and growth are impossible without secure access to three key regions --the Western Pacific, Persian Gulf, and Europe--and to the global commons--space, cyberspace, and the undersea. However, in all of these areas, save Europe, the U.S. access is being challenged.
The Battle for Resiliency in Asia: it’s the hardeners versus the dispersers
It's not yet clear the Obama administration is going to put its money where its mouth is on the pivot to Asia. One example of that fear may be found in the outcome of the debate on basing in Asia that is now being waged inside the Pentagon. As the military rebalances its personnel, assets and resources to the East, it's focused on "resilience" and what it will cost to achieve it. But for all the talk of the pivot, it's not clear the resources are there to back it up.
Experts Say Sequestration Would Target Civilian Jobs
The potential for layoffs in the defense contracting industry is taking center stage in the congressional showdown on how to avoid the “fiscal cliff,” but experts say that sequestration’s most immediate workplace cuts would be felt by civilian defense employees.