A defense spending frenzy in the US
Al Jazeera America
Coming To Naval Surface Warfare: A Revolution In Guns And Ammunition
Loren Thompson
U.S. Navy’s top officer takes tougher line on China
January 11, 2016
Carrier scramble: CENTCOM, PACOM face flattop gaps this spring amid tensions
January 7, 2016
Congress Uses Power of Purse to Trim DoD Civilian Hiring
“There’s been a broad consensus that particularly in the last six to eight years there has been a lot of duplications of effort,” [Katherine] Blakeley [budget research fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments] said. “It’s really hard to figure out where DoD is going to [cut] because it requires getting into the nitty-gritty of every single office and a lot of ways it’s basically a deep dive into a potential reorganization or restructuring from the ground up.
CNO: Warfighting Trumps Presence; ORP, EW Win; LCS Likely Loser
January 05, 2016