Could the F-35 be the plane for our time after all?
Brendon Thomas-Noone
OPINION | Need of the Hour : New Intelligence Priorities for Anti-Access, Area Denial (A2/AD)
As the United States (U.S.) foreign focus shifts from a region where there has been a general freedom of access for intelligence gathering assets, leaders must consider that many regions containing near-future threats do not grant U.S.forces the permissive access that they have become accustomed to. Developed nations like Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are among the locations that the military and State Department once again consider to be top threats. These potential threats simply will not allow foreign powers like the have complete freedom of movement and will actively work against attempted U.S. intelligence operations...
Invisible Bullets: The Navy’s Big Problem In Future War
January 27, 2016
Nuclear modernization means upgrades for workforce too
January 25, 2016
STRATCOM Head Makes Case for Protecting Nuclear Budget
January 22, 2016
Sen. John McCain pushes Pentagon spending changes
Bill Theobald