"Nobody does defense policy better than CSBA. Their work on strategic and budgetary topics manages to combine first-rate quality and in-depth research with timeliness and accessibility—which is why so many professionals consider their products indispensable." – Gideon Rose, Editor of Foreign Affairs, 2010-2021
Hemispheric Defense in the 21st Century
While the Obama administration has accorded top priority to preserving U.S. security interests in the Western Pacific and Middle East, it can ill afford to overlook worrisome trends in Latin America, as its major geopolitical competitors, including Iran, China and Russia, seek to expand their influence in the region.
Critical Mass: Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East
While current U.S. policy seeks to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear capability, history shows that efforts to prevent nuclear proliferation are not always successful. Thus, prudence dictates that we also must explore the question: How would the stability in the Middle East be affected if Iran acquired a nuclear arsenal?
U.S. Asia-Pacific Strategic Considerations Related to P.L.A. Naval Forces Modernization
On December 11, 2013, CSBA Vice President and Director of Studies Jim Thomas testified before the Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces of the House Armed Services Committee on the strategic issues tied to China’s modernization of its naval forces.
The Future of America’s Strategic Nuclear Deterrent
Although nuclear weapons have played a critical role in American defense strategy for more than 60 years, there is a growing debate over the number and type of nuclear forces that the United States actually needs to maintain its security and protect its allies. Over the past several years, calls for Washington to substantially reduce the size of its nuclear arsenal have become more prevalent, while the combination of declining budgets and looming recapitalization costs have made nuclear weapons a popular target for potential funding cuts.
Gateway to the Indo-Pacific: Australian Defense Strategy and the Future of the Australia-U.S. Alliance
This report examines the state of the U.S.-Australia military alliance, detailing the geopolitical shifts currently underway in Australia’s immediate neighborhood and outlining the extent to which these developments signal the advent of a new era. The seismic nature of these changes has engendered a vigorous strategic debate within Australia over the future of its defense ties with the United States.
Chaos and Uncertainty: The FY 14 Defense Budget and Beyond
As the government reopened after the October 2013 shutdown, and defense got a three month reprieve before sequestration would go into effect for 2014, Todd Harrison offered his forecast at what's next for the defense budget.