Directed Energy Weapons: Will They Ever Be Ready?
If Nikola Tesla had been deployed with the USS Ponce this past year, he would have been proud. A directed energy weapon — similar, in some ways, to his own 1934 invention “Teleforce” — was proved to be operationally effective on board a Navy ship for the first time.
Is The US Navy Breaking In The Gulf?
Citing budget strain and maintenance, the Navy is planning to pull its carrier from the Middle East later this fall, leaving a presence gap of up to two months—right in the middle of the fight against the Islamic State.
5 Things to Know About the War Fund
Republicans and Democrats are clashing over the use of a so-called war fund to bypass federal budget caps that were imposed in 2011.
‘Carrier Gap’ In Gulf Is A Symptom, Not A Crisis
The geostrategic sky isn’t falling because the US won’t have an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf region for a period this fall. Land-based aircraft will do an excellent job of striking ISIL, analysts say, while smaller ships are better suited to combat Iran in the tight confines of the Gulf.
Report: Readiness Slipping on Overseas-Based Navy Ships
The fleet's most ready ships are showing signs of wear and tear, a new watchdog report has concluded.
Admiral ‘Frustrated’ by Delay in Competition to Build Carrier Drones
The head of air warfare for the U.S. Navy said he's frustrated by a delay in the plan to build a fleet of drones aboard aircraft carriers.