CSIS’ Harrison on Alternative Defense Strategies
Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies on the alternative defense strategy recommendations from Washington’s top think tanks — CSIS, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, Center for a New American Security, the American Enterprise Institute and the CATO Institute — during an interview on Oct. 18 with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.
Report Proposes Slashing U.S. Aircraft Carriers, Investing in Lasers to Combat Russia and China
The U.S. military is at an inflection point. Unable to remove itself completely from two protracted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Pentagon has been forced to respond to a resurgent Russia and a rising China, while remaining ready to combat myriad terrorist threats around the world.
US Navy’s Stealth Destroyer Joins The Fleet
Bryan Clark, a naval analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments told USNI News earlier this year that it's likely the Zumwalt-class ships will be called on for different missions than Burke-class destroyers.
The US Army’s Answer for an A2/AD Shield in Asia
Plans for ‘Multi-Domain Battle’ to project power from land over sea & air.
Missile Attacks on U.S. Ships: A Threat to Deployed Forces and a New Dilemma for Commanders
“We’re firing very expensive weapons at what is really an inexpensive weapons system,” Haynes said. “That’s going to get pretty costly.”
‘This Is Obviously a Huge Deal’: US Navy Destroyers Just Had to Fend off Missiles Fired From Yemen
Bryan Clark, a naval analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said Sunday's event was "very significant."