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Stealth vs. Cruise Missiles: What Is the Best Option if America Goes to War in Syria?

“Cruise missiles such as Tomahawks and JASSMs [Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile] would probably be used to surprise S-400s and S-300V4s,” airpower analyst Mark Guzinger—a former B-52 bomber pilot and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments—told The National Interest. “There may be little need to use manned aircraft against these threats, especially when other options exist to suppress them. I also suggest that an initial wave of standoff strikes would be launched by U.S. bombers operating from CONUS bases.”

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Laser Weapons Are Fast Becoming a Reality - They Just Need to Be Shrunk First

These energy levels are relatively low still, but Mark Gunzinger, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, told the AFP that within a few years there'll be prototypes of more than 150 kilowatts. Within six to eight years, the US could be using laser systems of more than 300 kilowatts.

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Korea Crisis Deepens as the US Dispatches the Carl Vinson Strike Group to the Region

Bryan Clark, a retired submarine officer and analyst with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said the move on the heels of the Syrian strike should send a message to the allies and the North Koreans that, after years of perceived U.S. unwillingness to overly entangle itself in foreign conflicts, the U.S. is moving back to a more assertive roll. "It's a well-timed move," Clark said. "We obviously don't have the ability to strike their nuclear facilities, they are buried deep underground, but we can go after the missiles themselves while they are fueling. It's a signal to the North Koreans that we will, for the time being, have the ability to attack those facilities."  

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Laser Weapons Edge Toward Use in US Military

Mark Gunzinger, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, sees that relatively small output increasing rapidly.

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Austal Pushes Big Missiles For Small Ships: LCS & VLS

“For the Independence-class LCS, the trimaran design is probably better able to accommodate adding weight in the form of missile launchers higher in the ship,” said Bryan Clark, a retired Navy officer, who’s argued for VLS-equipped LCS in the past.