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LCS Lives: They Still Count in Age of Frigates

After studying the Navy’s Request for Information (RFI) on industry’s frigate designs, “I wouldn’t say the RFI repudiates the LCS approach, because the idea of having a smaller, less-expensive, shallow-draft, fast ship makes sense,” said retired commander Bryan Clark, now with the Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments. 

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China menace triggers call for missile defence shield

In an article in The Australian today — which is co-written by Thomas Mahnken, a former ­defence strategist for George W. Bush’s administration and now chief executive of the US Centre for Strategic and Budgetary ­Assessments — they argue that Australia needs to get over ideological “hang-ups” on missile ­defence capability.

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Is the Arctic The Next South China Sea? Not Likely

“Today, there are some competing claims, but…it’s an orderly process and no one is building islands, drilling in someone else’s potential EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), or harassing each other’s vessels,” said Bryan Clark,