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Why TRICARE Matters

This week’s Washington Outlook column takes a look at one of the key pressures on defense procurement – the Pentagon’s budget for personnel. Todd Harrison, a budget analyst for the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, linked up with a firm that analyzes corporate benefits to study whether members of the military would mind trading up some of the benefits that lawmakers and generals cling to.

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Troops Would Delay Retirement Pay for Cash Now

Four out of five troops say they would be willing to wait until age 50 to begin drawing military retirement checks in return for a 1 percent basic pay raise now.

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Why The Army’s Experimenting With Laser-Guided Lightning

There's been a fair bit of buzz online of late over experiments with a technology called a "laser-induced plasma channel" – essentially, laser-guided, artificially generated lightning bolts – at the Army's Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey. But, militarily, what's it good for?