White House Endorses 2012 Defense Spending Freeze
As Congress works to pass spending legislation for 2012, the White House has endorsed a Senate plan to freeze the Defense Department's base budget at 2011 levels. The White House's new position shows how much has changed since it first unveiled its budget request for the Pentagon in February. Back then, the White House expected the Pentagon's budget to continue to enjoy real growth.
Report: TRICARE Changes Should Focus on Maximizing Value
The 2013 defense budget is highly vulnerable to the final decision — or indecision — of the bipartisan Congressional supercommittee, Todd Harrison and Evan Braden Montgomery write in a new Center for Strategic and Budgetary assessments analysis, "Changing the Business of Defense."
News Analysis: Obama Builds on National Security Record
A single moment that may have defined President Obama as a surprisingly tough commander in chief came in December 2009, when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize while leading two wars. In the 11 months before the speech and the 22 months since, a president heralded as a liberal and hailed as a pacifist has built his national security record by taking out terrorists, stepping up drone attacks, sending 30,000 troops into Afghanistan and clearing the air for a NATO war against Libya that led to Moammar Gadhafi's death Thursday.
Does Gadhafi’s Death Mean NATO’s Back?
After more than eight months of fighting and a total of 26,089 sorties -- including 9,618 strike missions -- by NATO aircraft and ships, Col. Moammar Gadhafi is dead and the Libyan rebels appear firmly in charge of the North African nation.For military strategists one of biggest questions to emerge from the Libyan civil war is whether or not Odyssey Dawn -- the official name for the operation -- is a new template for Western military intervention.
Report: Give Troops Choices on Pay and Benefits
Would troops prefer the promise of Tricare for Life health care coverage or a cash bonus of $5,500 for every year they serve on active duty?
Defending Defense Contracts: Programs Turn To PR
Five Air Force Pave Hawk helicopters are parked or landing in the high desert east of Tucson, Ariz. They are transporting victims of a mock earthquake as part of a training exercise called Operation Angel Thunder.