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Navy Lacks Targets To Test U.S. Defenses Against China Missile

The U.S. Navy lacks a target needed to check its defenses against a new Chinese ballistic missile designed to attack multibillion-dollar aircraft carriers, according to the Pentagon’s chief weapons tester.

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Fight Over Defense Budget Has Familiar Ring

As Republicans and Democrats drew the battle lines last week for a yearlong, two-front war over the 2013 Defense budget, their attack plans looked familiar.

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DoD Avoids Termination Fees

The U.S. Defense Department carefully selected the programs it wants to cancel in fiscal 2013 to avoid termination fee negotiations that have plagued the Pentagon in prior years.

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Rumsfeld Redux

Pentagon’s budget, as advertised, touts a new strategic vision -- and a major reorientation of U.S. military forces. It anticipates a reduction in ground forces, a withdrawal of heavy Army units from Europe, and a shift in the military’s focus toward Asia. Above all, it favors agile (and, therefore, more easily deployable) special operations forces and the advanced air-and-space power that makes them so lethal/.../