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Survey Suggests Where Active Duty Over- and Under-Value Compensation Types

Military members value some types of compensation more than the cost to provide it and conversely undervalue others, finds the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in a study the center says could form the basis for intelligent decisions on reforming military compensation.

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Trucks, Not Limos

Senior serving officers in any country's armed forces tend to shun public controversy. But Admiral Jonathan Greenert, America's chief of naval operations, has stoked it in the latest issue of a specialist journal. His article appeared to question the value of the stealth technologies that underpin the biggest weapons project in history, the vast and costly F-35 Joint Strike Fighter programme/.../

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The Risks Of Military Drawdowns

/.../The Pentagon is set to cut 100,000 ground forces and $487 billion over 10 years (without the budget sequester, which would raise the dollar figure to roughly $1 trillion). They must work out how to do so without compromising their ability to maintain America’s national security/.../

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Virginia Has Most at Risk as Contracts Hit Cliff

Virginia, Maine, New Mexico and the District of Columbia have the most in federal contracts to lose from the looming threat of $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts to government spending.