Hagel To Defend 2014 Budget Ignoring Cuts
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will go to Congress this week to defend a $526.6 billion defense budget for 2014 that ignores the automatic cuts mandated by law.
Expert: DoD Should Plan for Large Employee Downsizing
The Defense Department should immediately begin planning for civilian employee layoffs in preparation for a long-term spending squeeze, a defense analyst said Friday.
Navy Set to Re-Evaluate LCS Program’s Future
The U.S. Navy is considering a program review of the Littoral Combat Ship, a vessel that many argue is too lightly armed for sea warfare, but some experts say the sea service could arm LCS with more punch without a costly redesign/.../
Plenty of Room for BRAC, Says Defense Budget Guru
If the Pentagon truly wants to close additional facilities, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA)’s Todd Harrison says DOD officials are going to have to present Congress with a plan so detailed and exact -- mapped right down to the congressional district -- that enough lawmakers will approve the measure.
Air-Sea Battle Endures Amidst Strategic Review
The U.S. military’s much-discussed AirSea Battle will remain a priority in light of rising tensions with North Korea, ongoing military strategy assessments and continued budget constraints, Pentagon officials said.
Russian Bomber Roulette
A Russian bomber recently carried out simulated cruise missile attacks on U.S. missile defenses in Asia, raising new questions about Moscow’s goal in future U.S.-Russian defense talks.