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Hagel Outlines Bleak Future for Pentagon

Automatic budgets cuts will force the Pentagon to slash its ranks or trash its plans to buy new weapons, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Wednesday.

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Pentagon Lays Out Ways to Slash Spending

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Wednesday laid out options for implementing the Pentagon's share of broad spending cuts known as the sequester, including shrinking the Army from 490,000 under current targets to a force as small as 380,000—far below even its modern low point at the end of the Clinton administration/.../

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Tactical Military Satellite Comms Need Hardening, Says CSBA Study

Increasing military use of satellite communication for tactical operations means the Defense Department should create a new tier of protected space systems, says the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments's Todd Harrison.

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Study: New MILSAT Strategies Needed

A new study on military satellite communications says new strategies are needed to enhance capabilities in a time of budget restraints.

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Protecting Satcom Without Going Broke

The U.S. military faces a satellite communications conundrum. It’s convinced that in a hot war, China and other countries wouldn’t hesitate to throw everything they have at American satellites and the drone video and battle orders they carry. Everything means kinetic anti-satellite weapons like the one China launched at one of its own satellites in 2007; lasers or microwaves; cyber attacks on command and control stations; and old-fashioned jamming.

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AirSea Battle and America’s Maginot Line in Space

When strategic thinkers were trying to name what eventually would become AirSea Battle, there was discussion of naming it AirSeaSpace Battle. That makes for a very bad acronym, but in a way it’s probably more accurate.