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Rep. Forbes: Make China Bleed $$$; Budget Deal Stops ‘Hemorrhaging’

Why don’t we make the bad guys bleed money for a change? That’s the strategic insight that helped us win the Cold War, and it seems especially timely today as the nation wobbles back – we hope – from the brink of yet another budget crisis.

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No Clear Strategy On China, Experts Say

No real US strategy exists right now for dealing with China, even as the country challenges the territorial status quo of nearby Asian waters, several experts said Wednesday.

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Budget Deal Seen as Boon to Pentagon. So Why Wouldn’t Veterans Be Happy?

The budget deal released to much fanfare at a Capitol Hill press conference this week, if approved, would allow the Pentagon to breathe a sigh of relief, since it would side-step the most dire of the threatened across-the-board cuts to its bottom line/.../

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U.S. Bomber Cost Could Reach $81 Billion

The Air Force's new long-range bomber may cost as much as $81 billion for the 100 planes planned, 47 percent more than the $55 billion sticker price the service has listed.

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Pentagon Fiscal Chief Robert Hale: ‘I am nervous’

/.../The next two weeks running up to Thanksgiving are pivotal if Congress is to have any chance of restoring some order for the Pentagon and a broken appropriations process. But what’s most remarkable is how lawmakers seem to be backing into decisions without first having a full debate over what level of defense the U.S. needs going forward.