In Ukraine as in Syria, the ‘Obama Doctrine’ Rules: No Military Aid
The president won't arm Ukraine or use U.S. forces despite Russian troop deployment.
Army’s Acquisition Strategy Stuck in Reagan Era
U.S. Army officials say defense spending cuts killed the Ground Combat Vehicle, but this latest modernization setback fits right into the service's growing portfolio of failed attempts to replace its Cold War vehicles and helicopters, defense experts said.
The Real Military Game-Changer: Hypersonic Weapons 101
Harry Kazianis, a non-resident Senior Fellow at the China Policy Institute (University of Nottingham) and Managing Editor of the Washington, DC-based international affairs publication The National Interest interviewed John Stillion, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA).
Hale Fires Back Against Budget Critics
Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, wrote an op-ed earlier this week for The Hill newspaper, saying the Pentagon’s rhetoric does not match what in it’s five-year spending plan.
Navy Revises Counting Rules to Add to Ship Numbers
With a few strokes on a keyboard, the Navy's top brass avoids shrinking its 280-ship fleet next year by simply reclassifying a couple of hospital ships and its small patrol craft deployed overseas.
Pay Changes Run Counter to Troops’ ‘Cash is King’ Mantra
New proposals to shrink military compensation would hit troops in the wallet, almost immediately.