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Pentagon Meets Resistance on Benefit Cuts

The Pentagon is planning another push to whittle down benefits for troops when it submits its 2016 budget to the White House in February over fierce opposition from military groups and some in Congress.

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The Drop in Oil Prices Could Save the Pentagon Billions of Dollars

The sharp decline in crude oil prices over the past five months could end up saving the Pentagon billions of dollars in the coming years, freeing up the money for weapon purchases and improving military readiness, some experts say.

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Military Challenged to Maintain Decades-Old Aircraft

The U.S. military operates fleets of Cold War-era aircraft that will not be replaced any time soon. For the Pentagon, this creates daunting challenges, experts warn. Airplanes will have to fly much longer than planned and, at a time of tight budgets, the cost of maintaining aging equipment is projected to soar.