Navy Plans to Add 5,600 Sailors in 2016
The Navy plans to hire more sailors in 2016, but questions about future manpower levels and other issues remain.
US Budget Request Will Change Drastically, Experts Say
The $585 billion fiscal year 2016 defense budget request — so painstakingly sculpted by White House and Pentagon before being sent to Capitol Hill this week — will likely die a long, complicated death as it winds its way through the congressional committees, analysts say.
Pentagon’s 5-year Plan Busts Spending Caps by $155 billion
The Pentagon has mapped out a $2.77 trillion spending plan for the next five years, a military buildup after five years of decline that would exceed existing budget caps by $155 billion, or 5.9 percent.
Air Force, Riding Budget Boost, Warns On Sequester; U-2 Is BACK!
We won’t know much about it, but protecting America’s military satellites and the data they gather and share is a key target of the 2016 service budget.
Obama Proposes a 000.5% Cut in Pentagon’s 800,000 Civilian Workforce
President Obama’s budget proposal to eliminate roughly 4,000 civilian employees in the Department of Defense is likely to raise a storm of protest from federal workers and their allies on Capitol Hill.
Report Against Other Threats, Obama’s Security Budget Sticks to Asia-Pacific Pivot
President Barack Obama’s 2016 budget for national security is a reflection of the administration’s desire to hold fast to its Asia-Pacific pivot strategy even as newer threats like the rise of the Islamic State and Russia’s aggression in Europe impose new spending demands on various U.S. agencies.